
Barcelona Training Camp & Open Activities

Barcelona Training Camp & Open Activities

From June 28th to July 5th, the MTG hosts the Lullabyte summer school, which will gather Doctoral candidates and their supervisors. The summer school includes one week of lectures, meetings, posters, and concerts. In total, there are about 20 activities, most of them...

First Lullabyte Training Camp

First Lullabyte Training Camp

We just concluded the first Lullabyte Training camp which happened from 16.-20. September 2023 at the Donders Institute at RadboudUMC in Nijmegen. We had five days full of lectures, workshops and worksessions focusing on methods of sleep research and creative...

Sleep Concert @ Dresdner Hygienemuseum

Sleep Concert @ Dresdner Hygienemuseum

On June 1st, our first large event took place – a “Lullabyte” Sleep Concert hosted at Hygienemuseum Dresden as part of the Sound&Science-series, an established format at Dresdner Musikfestspiele in collaboration with TU Dresden. Why would people come to a concert...